The Federal Government of Nigeria through Federal Ministry of Education has obtained a Credit to finance a new World Bank-supported project called: Innovation Development and Effectiveness in the Acquisition of Skills (IDEAS) Project aim at improving the country’s TVET System. The objective of IDEAS project is to improve skills acquisition in Nigeria using a comprehensive approach and addressing key aspects of the skills development delivery system. It leverages industry involvement for better labour market fit and crowding in of private resources in the formal training system.

Project Components
This aims at providing grant funding for the rehabilitation and upgrading of selected Federal and State Technical College (TCs)
This component aims at delivering a comprehensive capacity development intervention package for the informal sector
This aims at improving the availability of appropriately skilled and competent Technical Teachers and Instructors (TTI)
This component will support further rolling-out of the Nigerian Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) reform
20 Federal Technical Colleges & 18 State Technical Colleges are beneficiaries of the IDEAS Project
- Federal Technical Colleges
- State Technical Colleges

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